Inclusive online healthcare for the LGBTQ+ community, and for all

Inclusivity is what we do

People from the LGBTQ+ community often struggle with their self-image and identity. On top of that, there are still huge health inequalities experienced by the community. We think this stops people from living their best lives and we want to change that forever. We aim to deliver modern, personalised online healthcare, as well as bespoke coaching, for LGBT+ people, and for all.

We need your views on how best to deliver this – click below to enter a survey and help shape this service!

What’s the deal?


We believe there’s much more to LGBTQ+ healthcare than the usual stereotype of sexual health. We think more should be done to look at our community’s physical and mental health (responding to illness), as well as look at what barriers are stopping you from ramping it up and reaching your full potential! (promoting wellness)


By providing holistic healthcare for anyone who needs it, we aim to provide GP, mental health and physiotherapy appointments, and a safe space for people to connect with each other.

Secondly, by providing bespoke coaching, we want to make sure that you reach your full potential in life, whatever your circumstances.

Prevention is far better than cure, so by keeping well both on the inside and out, we hope that you feel you can achieve anything – no holding back!

We would also like to develop an LGBTQ+ health forum for people to connect with each other, along with webinars, discussion groups and some fun social activities!


We are a team of clinicians who pride ourselves in being caring, open and maybe a little camp. Being from the LGBT+ community ourselves, we have first hand experience in what modern healthcare for people like us should look like, in a safe space where everyone is welcome.